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606 West 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201
Service Times
- Sunday: 8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am
- Infant through 5th grade Sunday School classes available
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Have you considered lately what the “food-effect” is in your life? I’m not talking about a weight plan or your midnight snacks. I’m thinking of the effed meals have on our social and spiritual livers.
Meals have got to be one of life’s most powerful routines. Not only do they help us survive and develop healthy bodies; they enable us to bond and develop satisfying families, both physically, emotionally and spiritually.
This weekend we have multiple opportunities to experience the “food-effect” God designed into shared meals as the family of God:
Thanking God for the “food-effect” built into life,
Pastor John
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