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    Aug 25, 2024

    In Christ

    Passage: Ephesians 1:3-14

    Preacher: Bob Putnam

    Keywords: adoption, riches, inheritance, in christ, ephesians 1


    This message looks at two specific aspects of being "in Christ"--adoption and inheritance.




    The Privilege of Being In Christ-- “Our Identity In Christ"

    Summer is coming to a close. Kids are going back to school. Many vacations or at least long weekends are coming to an end. This summer though, has been an immense blessing of experiencing the privilege of being In Christ, as In, the body “family” of Christ in so many different venues. The enormous God moment of Family VBS Days at the Haven then came the biggest family camp so far, the Indians Baseball Game, Sunday evening concert, and being invited to join the back-to-school carnival at the same Havens as the VBS Days. The blessing of how all this came together working in peace and harmony; “with a few anxious moments” still, all of you working together for one purpose. The privilege of being in Christ; and the blessing of sharing Him with so many others. God bless you all.

    We are going to be looking into Ephesians Chapter 1 Verses 1-14.  I can already see the gears turning in some of your heads. Bob’s going to attempt to open up the doctrine of election/predestination. Not this morning, instead of debating those, did God choose, or did I have a part in the choice? We are though going to take a look at the privileges we all have, in Christ.

    But, I must say, if you are curious. did God, do the choosing, or did you? Take a look, at Romans chapter 9 from the perspective of God's choice. It may answer some questions and open your eyes a bit.

    When you hear or read, this little two-word phrase “In Christ”. What comes to mind?

    This two-word phrase contains more love, peace, comfort, hope, and joy than our Christian hearts could ever contain.

    Why, then do we feel at times lost and hopeless? Weak in prayer, struggling with one sin or another; sometimes feeling like you want, to just, go, hide under a rock.

    In my life today I can’t go about my day, without first remembering I am a new creation IN Christ. Even though I may surrounded by all the craziness of life, this spinning around me. There is still that backdrop of Christ In my life.

    Many of you here this morning know, that wasn’t so for a very large portion of my life, I had no Christ in my life.  I came to be seen I was a heathen consumed with sin and debauchery. Known by the Federal Judge as a menace to society. My identity was divided, not focused on anything other than myself and what this world could give me.

     I remember asking myself many times, who am I, what am I here for? instead of who’s am, I to whom do I belong.

    We all have different Identities in our wallets. Drivers license that identifies who we are, where we live, and that we are approved to drive. Credit Cards Indicate we have credit with a bank, Debit cards indicate we have a bank account somewhere. This was my Identity, identifying my life before Jesus.  (Show Picture)

    In the summer of 2007, God came crashing into my life.                

    My Story was turning into God’s story. I had no idea what would happen all I knew was deep down inside I was beginning to change. I had a sense I knew I was changing but had no idea what was next. I began, to experience what it meant to be in Christ the old going away. 2nd. Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new, A new creation in Christ was beginning. Am I perfect heavens no, but one thing is certain. Just as this ol’e picture is fading away so is my old self.

    In what or whom do you Identify yourself today? Your Job?  The car you drive “How many times, have you heard someone say this ol’e Ford is my baby? I know John S. is in insurance, Don D. is in electrical, and Patrica is in construction. Still, none of those are our true Identities. Our true identity is In Christ.

    I’m Getting to Ephesians 1, I promise, but first………………….

    In the Gospels, Jesus tells the story of a man who discovered a treasure in a field, Matt. 13: 44-45 Jesus says. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy, over it, he goes and sells all that he has and buys the field.

    What Paul writes here in Ephesians 1 is an exceedingly great treasure, one which we should take great care to understand, and apply while allowing it to, deeply enrich our relationship with God.

    Let’s invite God to join us this morning……. Pray

    If you have your Bibles please open and follow along through Ephesians chapters 1:1 through 14.

    If you're around any of our bible study’s much. You’ll hear asked what is the re-a-cerning word, or phrase being used. This question is to stir what is, the overall thought, direction, and application the author is striving to make.

    Here the reoccurring phrase is In Christ or a variation of it, happens 12 times in 14 verses.

    We are faithful In Christ we are counted as saints.

    In Christ, we have spiritual blessings.

    God chose us In Christ,

    In Christ, we are adopted as sons and daughters,

    In Christ, the beloved we are accepted.

    In Him,” In Christ, we are bought back to God, redeemed by the blood of Christ.

    He, God, has brought all things together both in heaven and on earth In Him “In Christ”.

    In Christ “in Him, we have an inheritance,

    In Him,” In Christ” V. 13 In Him, you are also trusted, after you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession to the praise of His glory.

    Whew, that's a pile…………….. There should be no question where your privilege comes from. In Christ, because of Christ, and for Christ is every ounce, of our heavenly calling, period end of story.                                                                                 

    Some of you may be asking yourself, how in the heck, is all this possible? Check this out. “Read Chapter 2 verses 1-2” You gotta be in it to get it.

    We cannot claim any of this……………. Preach……………

    I can only scratch the surface this morning in the privileges we just covered which are In Christ.  So let’s take a look at two, Adoption & Inheritance

     First The Privilege of Adoption In Christ

    When I hear someone is adopted, I wonder do they feel like an equal part of their new family as the biological children and so forth. Because of this, I being “Bob”, wondered if the word adoption which Paul used was the best way to describe who we are as God’s children. So, crossing back over the cultural bridge to Paul’s time and his writing to the Ephesians. I came across a brief description of the practice of adoption according to Roman law. When a family adopts a child they enter into the family as a complete equal to the other family members. With, equal rights, and equal inheritance.

    In that adoption, they had the guarantee, of never being removed from the said, family. Whereas, a biological child could be disowned by the family, in a multitude, of ways.

    What really made me take notice of this adoption thing back then was, that the adopted child was in some ways better off than the natural child. Adoption was irrevocable the heir could never be disowned. With this new understanding, I could see why Paul used the word adoption to show our relationship to God as His children.

    Adoption is one jewel, that shines brighter than all the rest. J. I. Packer in his book Knowing God writes adoption, is the highest privilege the Gospel offers. Adoption shines brighter than forgiveness of sin, even more colorful than hope. When Paul writes about things like salvation, forgiveness, and the grace of God in our lives. Everything God has for us comes together in the fact, that we have become children of God, Adopted into the family of God. Parker writes adoption completes the Gospel.

     In the concept of adoption. Forgiveness takes it halfway by removing the sin with God’s “mercy”. Adoption completes the gospel with God’s “grace”. If we were to say the good news is that Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we no longer stand guilty before God we would have only half the gospel. It would be like me when I came out of jail. I dealt with my crimes and paid my debt to society, but still, society was not completely willing to give me their goodwill. Whereas, God not only, does not hold our sins against us, He, actually draws us to Himself in a loving relationship of Father and child.

    To quote J.I. Packer again. What is a Christian? This question can be answered in many different ways. But the richest answer Parker knows is that a Christian is one, who has, God as his Father.

    I believe if we could get it deep in our hearts. “The God/Father/child relationship”. Not, just, understand it from a theological or theoretical perspective. If we really “Got IT”. We would be living our lives in a completely different way. We would live differently. Worship differently, teach and disciple differently, and evangelize differently.

    Thank God, He loves us so much.

    Again, Packer describes God as our parent. He is faithful in love and care…. Generous and thoughtful…. interested in all we do…. while respecting our individuality…. He’s skillful in teaching…wise in guidance….helping to cultivate our maturity…rich in integrity and unrighteousness. As well, our security in God is abundant as Paul writes in Romans 8 verses 37-39 Yet in all things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is Christ Jesus our Lord.

    There is a passage in Romans 8 that I believe, ties the privilege of adoption to the second privilege we’ll be discussing. The privilege of our inheritance in Christ. Romans 8:14-18

    Privilege of Inheritance In Christ:

    Romans 8:17 And if children, then heirs-----heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we, may also be glorified together.

    Verse 17 ties looking back, to the previous verses about being a child of God. And the coming verse which talks about suffering in this present world, suffering here/now, is not worthy, to be, compared to the glory that will be revealed to us.

    Let’s read this passage to see how it's all tied together. Romans 8:14-18

    There are four things to look at in verse 17, we are all heirs of God, and all believers are heirs in and with Christ. All heirs are heirs of suffering in this present day, and we all are heirs of glory in and with Christ when we leave this earth. Peter as well.  1st. Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself, restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.

    It is important for us, to see if we are believers, in Jesus Christ, we are heirs of God and co-heirs of God with Christ Jesus. An inheritance from God. All the Father has He freely gives us His sons and daughters’. The flow of what Paul is saying begins and continues V. 14 Believers are called sons of God they cry Abba! Father! Children of God V. 16. Children refer to all who have been born again and adopted into the family of God. As being born again/adopted into God’s family; what belongs to God, He will be freely passed on to us.

    James 1:16:18 Do not be deceived, my brethren. V. 17 Every good gift, and every perfect gift has come down from the Father of heavenly lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. V. 18 Of His own will He brought us forth by the word of truth, that we might be a kind of first fruit of His creation.

    We have been focused on God the Father and God the Son, now let’s take time to complete the picture. God the Holy Spirit. V. 14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. For you did not, receive, the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry Abba! Father! The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Back to Ephesians 1:13-14 God the Holy Spirit is the promised, and guarantee, who witnessed and witnessed to God; sealing, us in our place in God’s heavenly kingdom.

    In Ephesians Chapter 1 we have a complete picture of the Triune God Head. God the Father the found and creator. God, the Son, the giver, and the sustainer. And, God the Holy Spirit unifies the God Head, who is also our promise guarantee, witness, sealed in Christ for our place in the Kingdom of God.  Hallelujah and Amen.

    From Genesis to Revelation God’s plan is and has been revealed. Each of us here today is either in it or not. You got to be in it to get it. In our Christian walk, our inheritance will include suffering now. Yet, our inheritance will also include glory later. Go in boldness for God has put His Holy Spirit in us. He has clothed us in the righteousness of Christ. The peace, joy, and love of God. Has been poured out, into our hearts. God has marked out our paths. He, God walked it before us, Walk with Him every moment of your day. Fellowship, with Him, and by all means He wants to hear your voice, so pray to Him. All, of this and more, is what makes the journey here on Earth worth it. Because the destination, with God, is so Grand.

    Because James says in the 1st. Chapter, V. 12 Blessed be the man who endures trials of any kind, for he who has been approved, will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him.

    Final question. For our relationship to be In Christ Jesus. We need to ask the question. Do I have a personal history with Jesus Christ? The one true sign of a disciple is intimate oneness with Him. A knowledge of Jesus that nothing can shake.

    Thoughts to help maintain a life In Christ

    Read your Bible daily. Do not be content to skim through a chapter merely to satisfy your conscience. Keep the Word of God in your heart for comfort, guidance, and encouragement. All we need is there.

    Learn the secret of prayer. Prayer is simply talking to God. Trust, every prayer that you pray, will be answered.

    Rely on the Holy Spirit. We know that the Holy Spirit prays for us. Let Him take over all the choices and decisions of your life.

    Attend church regularly. Christians need one another, we need to gather together to worship God and let nothing take the place of church attendance.

    Be a witnessing Christian. We witness in two ways: by life and by word.   May our walk match our talk.

    Let love be the ruling principle of your life. Jesus said to those who followed Him, “By this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love one to another” (John 13:35).

    Be an obedient Christian. Let Christ have first place in all the choices of your life.

    Learn how to meet temptation. Temptation is not sin. It is yielding that is sin. Let Christ through the Holy Spirit do the fighting for you.

    Live above your circumstances. Don’t let your circumstances get you down. Learn to live graciously within them, realizing the Lord Himself is with you.