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Pastor's Weekly Update

One Hour with Jesus

Posted by John Repsold on

That one-of-a-kind Passover night over two-thousand years ago, Jesus invited His disciples to join him during his hours of greatest trial and human need.  In the dark of night, eleven of the twelve joined him in the Garden of Gethsemane for a few short hours of prayer.  As you probably remember, they all fell asleep within minutes, not once but several times. 

But Jesus kept praying…for them.  When Jesus could have used the encouragement of knowing they had learned well the importance of prayer for protection of their own souls, those he loved so deeply fell asleep again and again.  But Jesus kept praying…for them. 

Tomorrow, as the sun is setting, we invite you to join in an hour of musical reflection and readings, a few fleeting minutes of quiet contemplation, worship, prayer and communion with the Lord who gave it all for us that night long ago.  We invite you to let the love of Jesus for you settle quietly upon you as we reflect on the most important event in human history.  We invite you step away from the mundane of just another Friday night and step into the majesty of a special Friday night with God. 

Because of the timing of this one-hour service, we will gather together when it is light and leave when it is dark.  That is very much like what happened spiritually in our world so many years ago.  The Light of the World was betrayed, falsely arrested, beaten, bloodied, abused and ultimately tortured to death on a cross. 

Join us on Good Friday at 7:00 p.m. at Mosaic for a brief hour in the garden with our Lord Jesus. 


Tags: prayer, jesus, passover, darkness, good friday

