Greetings All!
Have you ever read a letter from a dear friend or family member that made you shed a few tears? Sometimes that might be out of joy for the words they shared. Sometimes what was said may have grieved you or brought disturbing news.
When words touch our emotions...
Dear Family of God,
Have you noticed how unpopular “walls” are nowadays? People talk critically about someone who “has pretty thick” or “high walls” around their heart. When someone gets defensive we critique them for “putting up...
Want A Date?
O.K. I’m not asking you out on a “date.” But I do want to let you know about a few really special and meaningful DATES you may want to put on your schedule and grab someone to come along with you to enjoy them. Here they are in chronological...
Dear Mosaic Family,
It’s not the season for graduations…at least the school kind. But just this past Wednesday night one of own, Rory Ovens, graduated from one of the most challenging programs in life: suffering. At age 57 Rory entered the presence of the Lord he...