
Contact Us

  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
  • Email:
  • Mosaic Address:
    606 West 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday:  8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am
  • Infant through 5th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

The Countdown

Posted by John Repsold on

We’re into the final countdown for the newest and largest outreach of the year—DVBS @ The Havens!  Over one-hundred of you have volunteered to minister in some capacity during the four days from next Monday to Thursday.  THANK YOU for your love for God, children, families and our community! 

Believing that God moves when we pray, we’re calling the church to prayer this week for this event.  Please pray daily in your personal devotional time.  Please pray when you get together with others in your family devotions or small groups.  And please join us for the following prayer opportunities as we focus specifically on this outreach:

  • Wednesday Evening Prayer Service @ Mosaic at 7:00 p.m.
  • Thursday Prayer Walk @ the Havens @ 10:00 a.m. (1035 N. Holy Names Ct.) in the grassy area.

Also, if you are a volunteer but haven’t been to the DVBS Volunteer Training yet, this Friday at 6:00 p.m. is your last opportunity.  We’ll answer all your questions as well as have lots of information vital to a great week of ministry.  See you at Mosaic

Other weekend issues:

  • Friday Revival Prayer: this month’s 12-hours of Revival Prayer are being hosted by Adult & Teen Challenge in Airway Heights (2400 N. Craig Rd.).  Join us for any or all of this time of engaging God in prayer for our city. 
  • Saturday Men’s Roundtable Breakfast @ 8:00 a.m.: Henry Herman, outdoorsman extraordinaire and young father will be leading our discussion this month.  It will be the last breakfast before September.
  • Sunday Child Dedication: This weekend we’ll be celebrating some of the youngest additions to Mosaic with a dedication of these children to the Lord.  Please let us know if you’re a parent who would like to dedicate your child by emailing  
  • Sunday Fellowship Lunch: right after the 2nd service, we’ll be having a baked-potato lunch featuring our representative to the Middle East, Elizabeth Jones.  We’ll also be bidding farewell to Colleen, who has been blessing us so richly with food-a-ship treats over the years, as she moves out of state. 

Due to next week’s commitment to The Haven DVBS, all of our building and group studies will take a break for the week.  Be sure to consult with your leaders about the summer schedule for July-August. 

Expecting great things from God,

Pastor John

Tags: prayer, volunteers, revival, haven, dvbs

