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Pastor's Weekly Update

Valentine's Day Trifecta

Posted by John Repsold on

Lent, Ash Wednesday, & Valentine’s Day!  It all falls on the same day this year.     

So let me ask, "Why do people celebrate VALENTINE’S DAY?"  Besides the desire of candy companies and Hallmark greeting cards to increase sales and feed our sweet tooth, most people just enjoy an opportunity to express their love and affection to someone special in their life. 

That’s really got a lot to do with the other three things about today—Lent, Ash Wednesday and Prayer—minus the candy, of course. 

Today, ASH WEDNESDAY, is the beginning of Lent.  LENT refers to the 40-day period leading up to Easter (minus Sundays).  It’s meant to be a season of reflection involving spiritual practices that enable us to more fully express our heart-love for God.  Think of it as a nearly 7-week long valentine to the Lover of our souls. 

So, what is ASH WEDNESDAY (today)?  Traditionally, on Ash Wednesday, Christians worldwide put ashes on their foreheads in the sign of the cross to indicate their desire to engage in reflection, repentance and contrition for sins that have messed up our intimacy with God. Think of it in terms of Valentine’s Day.  The best card, box of chocolates or dinner out with your beloved is rather meaningless if you’ve got unaddressed offenses, hurts and baggage.  We first need to own our failures, seek forgiveness and chart a new path of loving respect if we hope to have any real intimacy much less romance in a relationship. The same holds true for our relationship with God. 

This is where our last element, PRAYER, comes in.  Tonight, at our mid-week prayer service, we’ll be entering into this special time of Lent with an Ash Wednesday service of prayerful reconciliation with God through reflection, repentance, confession, contrition and fellowship.  Why not start this special spiritual season of Lent 2024 with your church family gathered around the throne of God?  Join together tonight, at 7:00 p.m. at Mosaic or via Zoom (use this link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84945792528) .  What a great way to begin these 40 days of declaring our love and longing for God!

Happy Valentine’s Day…Ash Wednesday…and Lent!

Pastor John


Tags: prayer, lent, valentine's day, ash wednesday

