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  • Mosaic Address:
    606 West 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday:  8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am
  • Infant through 5th grade Sunday School classes available
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Pastor's Weekly Update

Sunday's Coming....

Posted by John Repsold on

Church is certainly a lot more than weekend gatherings.  But for many of us over these past several months, we’ve also realized that being the church gathered is perhaps more important than we realized.  I know not everyone agrees, which is the wonderful thing about being both...

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Tags: events, worship, health protocols

An Open Letter

Posted by John Repsold on

I penned the following letter to help our church leaders better understand the reasons for which many churches across the country and our State are rejecting what many perceive to be first unbiblical and second unconstitutional intrusions of government into the realm of church worship and...

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Tags: worship, churches, assembly, covid-19, lockdowns

Things to Consider

Posted by John Repsold on

  If you were able to join us for Sunday’s worship service on YouTube two Sunday's ago, you heard me present what I understand to be the clear teaching of Scripture when it comes to submission to government and some of the limits God’s word puts on that submission.  If you...

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Tags: church, worship services, civil obedience, covid-19

Mother's Day Weekend

Posted by John Repsold on

Welcome to a Mother’s Day Weekend like none other…where take-out will replace dine-in, where stay-home will replace “let’s-go-out” and where many moms will be treated to day 55 of non-stop little cherubs while many others will be enduring day 55 of no family...

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Tags: stewardship, submission, government, mother's day

TOMORROW is Special!

Posted by John Repsold on

Dear Mosaic Family, TOMORROW is one of the most important days of the year in our nation—The National Day of Prayer.  Once a year this day, observed from coast to coast, Alaska to Hawaii, draws God’s people to their knees to humbly cry out to our Father for the heart and souls...

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Tags: pray, national day of prayer

Talk Show Church?

Posted by John Repsold on

As we approach the weekend, I wanted to fill you in on some very important updates.  As of this writing, our Governor is scheduled to give a press conference at 2:30 p.m. today (Friday) in which he will provide some clarification about his stated intent to extend the current...

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Tags: church, growth, lessons, covid, washington state lock-down

Coping Skills

Posted by John Repsold on

From childhood, we’ve all learned different ways of coping with life, particularly the less enjoyable things in life.  Not all those coping mechanisms were healthy or positive.  Some were downright destructive.  But now we’re adults, right?  And we’ve got...

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Tags: church, prayer, marriage, dysfunction, coping, covid-19


Posted by John Repsold on

This Good Friday and Easter Weekend are going to be different for all of us…and really different for many of us.  If you’re like me, there’s never been an Easter when you didn’t celebrate it with lots of people.  From the days when I was a baby dressed up by...

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Tags: jesus, easter, alone, good friday


Posted by John Repsold on

There is just something uplifting about waking up to sunshine, isn’t there?  When the dark of night gives way to blue skies and the warmth of the sun, we just seem to automatically shed the heaviness that may have crowded into our souls in the darkness.  Beautiful days like...

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Tags: prayer, easter, bible study, sunshine, good friday, covid-19

Marvelous Monday!

Posted by John Repsold on

Tonight (Monday, March 30th) you have two opportunities for connecting with God and His people: 1.)    WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY:  Any women are welcome to join in from 7:30-8:30 by simply going to https://zoom.us/j/2052625136.  Tonight’s study is based on a...

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Tags: prayer, bible study, monday

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