
Contact Us

  • Phone: (509) 747-3007
  • Email:
  • Mosaic Address:
    606 West 3rd Ave., Spokane, WA 99201

Service Times

  • Sunday:  8:30 am, 10 am, 11:30 am
  • Infant through 5th grade Sunday School classes available
  • FREE Parking!

Pastor's Weekly Update

Get Saturated!

Posted by John Repsold on

This month we are joining thousands of our brothers and sisters in the church of Spokane in what I think is one of THE MOST ENCOURAGING & EXCITING ventures God’s people here have every undertaken.  I’m talking about SaturateSpokane.  Just what is it? Saturate Spokane...

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Tags: gospel, love, outreach, prayer, saturate

Summer Changes (& Changed Lives)

Posted by John Repsold on

Hello Everyone! As I write this, dozens of people from five different church recovery ministries in the Inland Northwest are heading to Farragut State Park in beautiful North Idaho for a life-changing weekend of fellowship, worship, testimonies and teaching.  Our own Changing Lives group...

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Tags: camping, change, summer, worship

We’ve Got a Reputation!

Posted by John Repsold on

Last night one of our young couples shared with me a story I just have to pass along.  They live in the Logan/Gonzaga Neighborhood and were walking to the new Path of Life clinic on Indiana to see what they could do to volunteer at this new pro-life ministry in town.  On the way they...

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Tags: action, bloomsday, witness, works

A Worship Experience You've NEVER Had

Posted by John Repsold on

It was some 20+ years ago that God caused a couple of life-changing factors to collide in my life.  Actually, it was a couple of life-changing people God used to awaken a hunger for an annual season of spiritual enrichment in my soul.  The first was a local African-American...

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Tags: lament, lent, mentors, spiritual disciplines, worship

Coffee & Cosmos

Posted by John Repsold on

  Tomorrow (Saturday, February 17th) is a day of cosmos and coffee at Mosaic.  Ladies, you start the day off with shared coffee and conversation at 9:00 a.m.  Following that, there’s a women’s clothing swap.  Since I’ve never been to one, feel free to ask...

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Tags: astronomy, coffee, cosmos, women, clothing swap

Will Tonight Find You WORSHIPING?

Posted by John Repsold on

Pastor John Piper says that “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”  What he means is that, were people everywhere in the world worshiping God, we wouldn’t need to talk about “the mission of the church” or do “missions.” Both of those are...

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Tags: gospel, mission, tonight, worship

Fantasyland or Realsville?

Posted by John Repsold on

Sometimes I just want to pack my bags, get in the car and start driving.  I’d love to be able to do that, at least once in life.  I fantasize about driving into the mountains, stopping when I want just to drink in some beautiful vista then motoring on to some town whose problems...

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Tags: death, fantasy, lent, life, prayer, reality

New Year, New Growth?

Posted by John Repsold on

Now that our stomachs (and waistlines) have settled from the Holidays, it’s time to dig out of the snow and ice and dig into some new spiritual growth.  That’s what these next few months of winter are all about.  While plants and bears are hibernating and resting this...

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Tags: community, food, growth, love, opportunities, renewal, yfc


Posted by John Repsold on

Dear Mosaic Family. Only 13 days until Christmas…but who’s counting? Actually, we’re doing a lot of counting these days at Mosaic.  There are a number of special opportunities we have in the next thirteen days to make Christmas 2017 count in the Kingdom books.  Be...

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Tags: christmas, counting, giving, outreach, party, service

Church Safety, Community Sexuality & Food Service

Posted by John Repsold on

The events of last Sunday in Texas where an entire country congregation was virtually killed or wounded by a lone gunman have brought church security to the forefront of every church-goers mind.  So I thought it important to let you know what Mosaic has been doing behind the scenes over the...

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Tags: prayer, safety, serving, sex-ed, spokane youth

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